Rubric Law is the trading name of Rubric Law Limited, which is a private limited company registered in England and Wales (company number 07823484) and authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 564926). 

All references on this website to “Rubric Law”, “the firm”, “we”, “us” or “our” should be read as referring to Rubric Law Limited.

A list of the directors may be inspected at our registered office at The Cowshed, Manor Farm, Aust, Bristol BS35 4AT. We can be contacted at

We use the word “partner” on this website and in emails and other correspondence to mean a director of Rubric Law but also to mean employees and individual or corporate consultants (and their principals). In giving any advice or carrying out any action in connection with Rubric Law’s business, such persons are not acting in partnership with Rubric Law or any other person.

Correspondence from our partners or staff using a Rubric Law letterhead or email address is written for and on behalf of Rubric Law, save that statements in such correspondence that do not relate to our business are neither given nor endorsed by Rubric Law.

Confidentiality: Our correspondence and emails (including their enclosures and attachments) are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of our correspondence or email you may not use, copy, disclose or rely on the information contained in it and you must notify the sender immediately on 01454 800 008 and destroy all copies of the correspondence or email.

Security warning: Internet email may be susceptible to data corruption, interception, and unauthorised amendment for which Rubric Law does not accept liability. We do not accept liability for the presence of any computer viruses in any email we send or any losses caused as a result of viruses.

Rubric Law is registered for VAT purposes with registration number 123 5466 28.

We do not accept service of proceedings by email or fax.